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Archive for March 2014
Why do Americans drive on the right side of rode????????????? by Caleb & William
About a quarter of the world drives on the left and the countries that do are mostly old British colonies. Strange the In the past almost every body traveled on the left side of the road. Since most people are right-handed, swordsmen preferred to keep to the left in order to have their right arm nearer to an opponent.

Countries by handedness of traffic
Countries by handedness of traffic
Right-hand traffic
Left-hand traffic
This a cool web site that you can go to. It tells you what countries that drive on the right or left. I wonder if its different to drive on the right side for half of their life and the rest on the left.
This a cool web site that you can go to. It tells you what countries that drive on the right or left. I wonder if its different to drive on the right side for half of their life and the rest on the left.
why does america drive on the right side of the road? BY Mary Phoenix And Trent...
This question has been asked numerous times and has never been answered correctly. Bane came close once.
About a quarter of the world drives on the left, and the countries that do are mostly old British colonies. This strange quirk perplexes the rest of the world; but there is a perfectly good reason.
In the past, almost everybody travelled on the left side of the road because that was the most sensible option for feudal, violent societies. Since most people are right-handed, swordsmen preferred to keep to the left in order to have their right arm nearer to an opponent and their scabbard further from him. Moreover, it reduced the chance of the scabbard (worn on the left) hitting other people.
What is the history of Chile??????? by Luke & Caleb
The area of Chile has been populated since 12,000 B.C. and is still populated with 17.4 million people. In Chile when a child loses a tooth they give their tooth to their mother. and some will make it into a charm set in gold. Chile's governor is named Adelantado. Chile's president of is Sebastian Pinera.
this is the flag
I think Chile looks like a golf club on the map. Chile's motto is By reason or force. Chile is known for its fantastic seafood. most people in Chile believe in God. some people in Chile say Chile may derive its name from the indigenous Mapuche word chilli, which may mean "where the land ends,"
this is the flag
Where do last names come from? By: Makayla, Mary and Phoenix.
Last names have only existed for the past 1,000 years. Back about 100,000 years ago nobody had last names, but about 10,000 years ago every town had the last name. So if you wanted to move your last name would change, if you wanted to change your last name you would have to move.
If you are a girl your last name will change when you get married. But if your a boy your last nae will never change unless you change it and the state Government has to approve of it.
So when Makayla said last names have only existed for about 1,000 years, that's when I got my last name. Which is Tisi, Marys is Peterson, and Makaylas is Sheeran.
family tree - Google Search
If you are a girl your last name will change when you get married. But if your a boy your last nae will never change unless you change it and the state Government has to approve of it.
So when Makayla said last names have only existed for about 1,000 years, that's when I got my last name. Which is Tisi, Marys is Peterson, and Makaylas is Sheeran.
family tree - Google Search
For question of the day Trent, William and I did the question, what do people do for a living in the driest desert in the world. Here is what we did,
For question of the day Trent, William and I did the question, what do people do for a living in the driest desert in the world. Here is what we did,
For some of the work that they do in the Atacama Desert is mining for gold, silver, and iron. They also dig for dinosaur bones, and collect water through fog with nets.
If you lived in one of the towns or cities in the Atacama Desert you would have many of the same jobs as you would find in any toen or city in the world. If you lived outside the cities, your opportunities would be pretty much limited to fishing on thee coast or mining in the interior.
These are some of the things we learned about the Atacama Desert.
Here are some cool pictures as well. These are some fossils and bones of things they found in the Atacama Desert.
Here are some cool pictures as well. These are some fossils and bones of things they found in the Atacama Desert.
The hottest desert in the world is the Atacama Desert it is in Chili, more than 1 million people live there.
What do people do for a living that live in the driest desert in the word? By Mary And Phoenix
People do jobs at the dock to see what came in the shipment. There are some farmers. Some grow fruit.
what do people do for a living that live in the driest desert in the world????? by Caleb Tommy & Luke
The driest desert in the world is the Atacama Desert it is in Chile. More than one million people live in the Atacama Desert.

The Atacama Desert is a good place to do astronomy. There usually aren't clouds. This picture shows the La Silla Observatory. There are a bunch of domes with telescopes inside in this picture. A lot of the people work in a mine for copper in the Atacama Desert.
With the Andes Mountains on the east and the Chilean Coast Range on the west, this otherwise arid area has been compared to the landscape of Mars, so much so that Hollywood and NASA have been here many times. Rocks, hills, dunes and granular salt flats all add to the visual feast.

The Atacama Desert is a good place to do astronomy. There usually aren't clouds. This picture shows the La Silla Observatory. There are a bunch of domes with telescopes inside in this picture. A lot of the people work in a mine for copper in the Atacama Desert.
With the Andes Mountains on the east and the Chilean Coast Range on the west, this otherwise arid area has been compared to the landscape of Mars, so much so that Hollywood and NASA have been here many times. Rocks, hills, dunes and granular salt flats all add to the visual feast.
What do people do for a living that live in the driest desert in the world? By: Makayla, William and Trenton.
For some of the work that they do in the Atacama Desert is mining for gold, silver, and iron. They also dig for dinosaur bones, and collect water through fog with nets.
If you lived in one of the towns or cities in the Atacama Desert you would have many of the same jobs as you would find in any toen or city in the world. If you lived outside the cities, your opportunities would be pretty much limited to fishing on thee coast or mining in the interior.
Why is it good to smile? By Mary & Phoenix
Smiling can make you happy (even when you're not).Remember that mind-body connection we were just talking about? Well, it turns out that the simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you're happy. And when you're happy, your body pumps out all kinds of feel-good endorphins. |