Posted by : Unknown Monday, January 27, 2014

Gum was made in the USA by a Dentist in 1869. Gum comes in all colors and sizes. In the old days they used tree sap to make it chewy. But to day they use plastic. To make the gum they pore the plastic in to a mixing bowl than they add food coloring and flavoring. As it is mixing they add glucose syrup to add sweeter and because it is liquid it softens the bubble gum. They blend the mixture for about 20 minuets. Than they shape it and cut it. and you have bubble gum.


{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Great article!!

    Can you tell me the difference between "then" and "than" and when you want to use each word?

  2. Wow, I learned a lot from that! I think it is pretty gross that they add plastic now.


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