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- What is a lunar eclipse??? by Caleb, Tommy & William
A lunar eclipse is when the moon passes directly behind the earths shadow. This only happens when the sun, earth & moon are all in a row. Only when the earth is in the middle. it can only happen when the moon is a full. A lunar eclipse you can see from anywhere in the world as long as it is night. Lunar eclipses last a pew hours where a solar eclipse only lasts a pew minuets.
There are only two or three lunar eclipses a year. there are about two or three solar eclipses a year.
The lunar eclipse will only happen in the Americas. It will happen twice this year, and twice next year. Here are the dates April 15, 2014, October 8 2014, April 4, 2015, and September 28, 2015. The lunar eclipse will be visible almost of America. The reason the moon is red because on the moon on the eclipse the rim of the Earth is RED.
This a cool video.