Posted by : Makayla Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bess hum because of how fast they flap their wings, the bees wings flap sooooooooo fast that it makes a little noise that sounds like a hum.

Did you know that when a bee stings some one their stinger comes out, and there are some body parts connected to the stinger so it rips those parts out which kills the bee.

When a bee gets older and they should die in a few days, their brain stops getting older, but their body does. In fact their brain starts to get younger.

A bee can also recognize a persons face if they've seen them before.

We are going to tell some jokes now!

M.What are the smartest kind of bees? A spelling bee!

T.What kind of bee drops things? A fumble bee!

M.What bee is goo for your health? Vitamin bee!

T.Why do bees have sticky hair? Because of the honey combs!

M.What do you call a bee born in May? A MAYBEE!!!!

T. Why do bees hum? Because it forgot the words!

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